
it is used是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

it is used


1.As a directive, when it is used to create an alias for a namespace or to import types defined in other namespaces.作为指令,用于为命名空间创建别名或导入其他命名空间中定义的类型。

2.I'll ask him the money will be used to do, if it is used in good purposes and I lent him money would be considered.我会问他钱会用来干嘛,如果是用在好的用途上而我又有钱的话我会考虑借给他的。

3.Instead, many times, it is used to provide the basic needs of a "criminal" who has no place in a prison.相反,这里却被用来给本来不应该进监狱的“罪犯”提供最基本的需要。

4.Buying houses for investment is always welcome, but if it is used for speculation, then it is not the case.买房用于投资是永远值得欢迎的,但如果是用于投机则不然。

5.This allows the online media company to recognize the computer when it is used to return to that site, or to measure advertising response.这使得在线媒体公司可以识别再次访问该站点的计算机或者计量广告响应情况。

6.You don't tend to see the sky during gameplay, but it is used to calculate the light and mood of the stadiums.在游戏中你可能并不关注天空的变化,但那却是我们计算球场光线的基础。

7.It is used for spot-checking a build to see if it is suitable for offering to QA.用来现场检查一个构建版本是否适于提供给QA。

8.Magenta One of the subtractive primary colours . It is used in four- colour process printing . Also referred to as Process red.减法原色之一。是四色彩印所用的颜色。亦称四色红。

9.The public key can be made available to anyone ; it is used for encrypting data to be sent to the keeper of the private key .公钥可以提供给任何人;公钥用于对要发送到私钥持有者的数据进行加密。

10.Besides the obvious "give me a beer, " it is used to ask someone to pass or hand an object to you.除了显而易见的“给我一杯啤酒”这个意思外,泛指让某人递某个物体给你。